Browse by instrumentation:
Band and Wind Ensemble
Jazz Band
Jazz Combo
Orchestra and Large Group
Solo & Solo/Accompaniment
Video Game
These works are sorted by ensemble type (which is listed alphabetically) and listed in the following manner: Pieces written since 2007 are dated and listed in reverse chronological order, while pieces written before 2007 are undated and listed alphabetically at the end of each list.
PDF files can be viewed by Adobe Acrobat Reader. TXT and DOC files can be read by Microsoft Word. MID, MP3 and WAV files can be read by Microsoft Media Player. SIB files can be viewed in the Sibelius software versions 4 or later by Avid. MUS and MYR files can be viewed in various versions of the Melody Assistant software by Myriad.
Titles formatted in < bold > represent larger-sized works lasting fifteen minutes or more, or they represent multi-movement pieces, suites, collections, etc. that together require a surplus of fifteen minutes to perform in entirety. Titles formatted in < small font size > represent smaller works which require less than two minutes to perform in entirety.
Many of these works are at varying stages of completion. Titles formatted in blue represent completely finished works. Titles formatted in gray represent pieces that were still being worked on by the composer at the time of upload.
This archive is not actively updated. It remains online for the preservation of these pieces, sketches and recordings.