Ben Tibbetts Studio Home Services Archive Students About Contact Now Store Subscribe Interview with Lone-Momo December 31, 2011 ![]() Lone-momo is a visual artist. For information about lone-momo's work, visit Tibbetts: How long have you been in this field, and what made you decide to become an artist? lone-momo: I'm going to guess that by field you mean profession and not as someone who likes to create art. As a professional I've only just graduated from college but even during my school years I was freelancing and doing commissions for money. I've probably only been a professional artist (technically) for about 2 to 3 years. As for what made me become an artist, it's hard to pin down. I've been drawing my entire life and there isn't a time when I ever remember not drawing in some way, shape or form. I blame my current predicament on my mother; she always pushed for me to become an artist from an early age, introducing me to creative hobbies, a few art classes at the local art college as well as theatre, ballet, opera and museums. I even dressed up as an 'artist' for halloween when I was in elementary school. Even with all the encouragement I never remember resenting it or wishing I didn't have to do it. I loved everything about. What decided me to being an artist, I'm really not sure, it just sort of happened. As for being an illustrator, I'd have to say the major turning point was when I first saw Sailor Moon. Some time after that I played Final Fantasy 7 for the first time and I knew I had to tell stories through art, however I could achieve that. It was a long evolution. Tibbetts: What inspires you? lone-momo: Again, this is hard to pin down to any one thing. I draw inspiration from many sources. Photography, theatre, reading, writing, comic books, video games, movies, music, illustration, animation and real life. There are certain things I always come back to for renewal, like photography of cathedrals, Mucha's illustrations, the artwork of my peers, and couture fashion. There's almost nothing that inspires me more though than a really well written story with compelling characters, engaging world, and intricate plot. When I hear, read or see something like that I just have to attempt to capture the moments in my own way. I like to keep an open mind and always find new sources. There's just so much in the world that is interesting and beautiful. Tibbetts: Of all you have done, what do you consider your best work, and why? lone-momo: At the moment I'd have to say my Vasilica image is my best work. I spent a lot of time working on the concepts behind the image, the story to go along with it and much more time on the actual technical aspects of it. It was the culmination of my college work and I'm still proud of it. Tibbetts: What is your 'typical day' like? lone-momo: I try to start the morning with going to a cafe near by and sketching for a couple hours, usually to loosen up and get the blood flowing again. After that I work from home on one of my freelance jobs until I get a good amount of progress done. Sometimes I'll work into the wee hours of the morning and other times I'll work till about dinner time. After that I usually do something fun in the evening, either drawing, playing video games or watching a movie. I usually get some time in there to play with the cats and on the weekend I try to go out to a museum, a play, a bookstore or a new restaurant I haven't been to yet. Tibbetts: Do you have any words of wisdom to offer to aspiring artists? lone-momo: Art is hard; don't ever stop drawing and draw everything. Also, be kind. Ben Tibbetts Studio Home Services Archive Students About Contact Now Store Subscribe ![]()
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