Ben Tibbetts Studio Home Services Archive Students About Contact Now Store Subscribe Chaos Weapon ![]() Original Soundtrack "Chaos Weapon" was an RPG by Amadeus Koch, an amateur game developer based in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, it was never finished, but while development was active from 2011 to 2014 Amadeus commissioned me to write music for the game. I was in college for most of those years and chipped away at the soundtrack during my free time. This often meant that I wrote academic music during the day and produced video game tracks at night. I liked that. It anchored me to a genre that was refreshingly different from schoolwork. However, if you listen carefully you can hear my academic style bleed into the soundtrack. Chaos Weapon is unusually complex and polyrhythmic for video game music--too much so, I think. Listening to it now I find it too distracting and incongruous with gameplay. I wouldn't approach a soundtrack that way now. I notice that the audio production leaves a lot to be desired, which doesn't help with that problem. That said, producing this music was an enjoyable experience, and I think some of the tracks came out very well. For example, I love the "Sarah Chimera" tune, which strikes me as quirky and musically clever. I'm grateful to Amadeus for commissioning me to produce this audio. Even though the game wasn't released, composing these tracks helped me grow musically and I was glad to be a part of this project. Amadeus and I originally connected through the Game Maker Community forums (which no longer exist). Click here for some of the other music I made for members of that forum. Download the entire soundtrack (*.zip archive, 53 mp3 files) Download individual tracks: 1. Inaugural March 2. 123 3. Dust Bunnies 4. Hallway Monsters 5. The Right to Live 6. Small Victory 7. Another Day 8. Community 9. Marketplace 10. Migration 11. Don't Panic 12. Game Over. 13. Greater Adversary 14. Big Victory 15. Save Your Progress 16. Sanctuary 17. The Element Shrine 18. Elemental Foe 19. Deep Dark Depths 20. Conflict is Inevitable 21. Dignity and Ego 22. His musik 23. Secret Antagonist 24. Chaos Incarnate 25. High Spirits on the Mountain Trail 26. The Laboratory 27. Refuge 28. Madness and Thrill 29. Sara's Theme 30. Upper Hell 31. Lower Hell 32. 9th Circle 33. Absolute Bottom 34. Life in the Depths 35. Sol 36. Small Challenge 37. Big Challenge 38. Entering the Armory 39. The Armory 40. From Russia with Hate 41. The Tower Part I 42. The Tower Part II 43. The Zenith 44. Battling Keegan 45. Memories of Home 46. In the Mysterious Crater 47. The Final Battle Part I 48. The Final Battle Part II 49. The End 50. Umbra 51. The Final Battle Part III 52. Credits 53. Sarah Chimera Variation ![]() Ben Tibbetts Studio Home Services Archive Students About Contact Now Store Subscribe ![]()
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